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Simple Operation.
Control your phone
from your the comfort of your desktop
Simple Set Up.
Each user configures how they would like their extension set up.
What devices would you like your extension number to ring on?
Do you want your voicemail sent to your email?
Put your extension on do not disturb.
Record your inbound calls.
Present your outbound calls with any phone number your own.
Follow me.
Set up your system with a hunt ring strategy
The phone first rings a mobile and the office switchboard …
… And then it rings a desk phone 15 seconds later
System Reports.
Find the details of any of your calls that you are looking for.
Presence Panel.
See who is on the phone in your organisation.
Everything in one place.
Dial anybody on your contacts list from your computer screen, call will connect to your deskphone, or any computer phone you have configured.
Simple Configuration
Simple Operation
Simple Insights
Any Device
Drag and Drop
CRM Integration
Presence Panel
Call Analytics
Call Recording
Microsoft Teams
Why byphone?
Technical Excellence
Tailored licensing
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